Determinism Books

  • The narrator recounts a sad research experience and reflects on the concept of determinism, concluding that moving forward is better than dwelling on past mistakes.
    An introduction to geography, covering its history, disciplines, and methods, as well as the different types of geography and map projections.
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  • What Is Geography And Maps
    An introduction to maps, geospatial technologies, geographic data, spatial concepts, human-environmental interaction, scales of analysis, regional analysis, and migration.
  • Controversy of Technology
    The story explores the impact of technology on society through the lives of three families: one fully immersed in technology, one more traditional, and one struggling to adap…
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  • The Existential Adventures of Jackie
    Jackie, a boy who always followed Lego instructions, learns to build creatively and independently with the help of his teacher and brother.
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  • Magic Burgers in the sky
    Magic Burger, a superhero in New York, takes a break at the beach but ends up helping a little girl rebuild her sandcastle.
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    Little Miss Flint tells her story of living in Flint, Michigan, where the water is contaminated with lead. She discusses the health issues and challenges faced by her communi…
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