Dna Technology Books

  • Book O' Genetics
    This is an informative piece about genetics, covering topics such as DNA, RNA, transcription, translation, protein structure, mutations, and DNA technology. It provides a det…
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  • Timmy and the GloFish
    Timmy, a boy without a pet, learns about genetically modified fish and shows his GloFish at show and tell.
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  • Ms. Shark And The Tapeworm Incident
    Ms. Shark, a Great White Shark, is feeling sick and discovers she has tapeworms. Scientists use molecular technology to study the tapeworms and make a new discovery about the…
    A collection of short descriptions about different countries, including Turkey, Catalonia, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Italy, and France.
  • Future Scientists
    Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Galileo Galilei, Louis Pasteur, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Pythagoras, Aziz Sancar, and Hedy Lamarr are all important scientists…
  • Rob & Girls
    A collection of short biographies about influential women in science and technology, including Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Mae Jemison, Ada Lovelace, and Rosalind Franklin.
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  • The Discovery of DNA: A Journey into the Code of Life
    Explore the fascinating history of DNA, from Mendel's peas to Watson and Crick's double helix, and discover how this molecule transformed science and medicine forever.
  • Your kids have a 50% chance to inherit Cystic Fibrosis disease.
    This is an informative piece about Cystic Fibrosis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. It also includes a case study on genetic counseling and DNA tes…
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