Dramatic Play Books

  • When I Grow Up
    Myles explores different professions through dress-up, but ultimately realizes being a child is easier than being a grown-up.
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  • Ruby's Lemonade Stand
    The dramatic play highlights of preschool-age children's cognitive, social, and language developmental milestones.
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  • My Kindergarten Classroom Showcase
    A description of a classroom layout and learning centers, including a dramatic play center, language/literacy center, and science center.
  • Abram's First Day in Pre- k
    Abram's first day of Pre-K is filled with new experiences and learning centers. He enjoys math, writing, dramatic play, and singing with his classmates.
  • Psalm's Day at Preshool
    The book is geared for children ages 1-3 years of age.
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    An overview of autism, including its characteristics, developmental milestones, and ways to support children with autism.
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  • You Cannot Judge a Book By Its Cover Poems, haikus and more…
    A collection of eight poems, including acrostic, haiku, limerick, sonnet, and more. Topics range from nature to emotions.
    This book discusses the importance of theater in education, specifically in secondary schools. It explores the benefits of theater for students' personal and social developme…
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