Eco-friendly Books

  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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    The story discusses the cultural diversity, food, opportunities, transportation, eco-friendly issues, education, economy, and quality of life in New York City.
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  • The ABC's of Eco-Friendly Choices
    An informative book that teaches children about eco-friendly choices and their impact on the environment, with an A-Z list of actions they can take.
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  • My daily routine!
    A 13-year-old named Christiam shares his eco-friendly daily routine, including activities like virtual classes, homework, separating garbage, and connecting with friends.
  • Silly Sally
    Sally, an eco-friendly girl, learns a lesson about communication and attitude when she gets into a fight with a boy over littering.
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    This book is created for eTwinning project,Ecofriendly School With Zero Waste.It includes many comics and digital stories written about being Ecofriendly,Nature Love,Zero Was…
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  • eTwinning Project 2020 From Waste To Wealth
    This ebook was created by etwinning project 2020 From Waste to Wealth partners.
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