Energy Conservation Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Bobby Bear Goes Green
    Conserving energy each day can save a lot of money over time!
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  • Isaac and the Catapult
    Isaac, a curious porcupine, builds a catapult to save the world from ending. He launches himself and his friends into space, where they live happily ever after.
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  • Conservation of Energy with Mr. Ant
    Mr. Ant teaches Andy ant about the conservation of energy, explaining potential and kinetic energy and providing examples and equations.
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    Renewable energy is the use of naturally obtained energy sources. This story discusses different types of renewable energy, their benefits, and challenges in India and Japan.…
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  • Magical Mr. Carbon's footprint
    Mr. Carbon, a mischievous cat, creates mysterious black footprints in the house. The family learns about energy conservation and the impact of their actions.
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    The narrator discusses the heat, Halloween, and global warming. They then provide tips on energy conservation to help slow down global warming.
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  • eTwinning project „Keep for the Future
    A collection of short texts about various environmental topics, including pollution, climate change, renewable energy, water conservation, and more.
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