Expedition Books

    Join Precious Pugington on a exhilarating expedition for a furever home!
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  • coronado
    The story of 16th-century Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado and his expedition to find the Seven Golden Cities.
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  • The Lost Expedition
    Olivia Werhane, a 5th grader, shares the story of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition. From his early adventures at sea to being stranded on an ice floe, Shackleton's de…
  • Expedition Antartica Expedisi Antartika
    Buku ini menceritakan tentang sebuah orang bernama Bob, yang mau mengexpedisi antartica.

    This book tells a story about someone named Bob, want to do the Expedition a…
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  • The Adventures of Tito and Link
    Tito, a lonely mouse living in the walls of a house, befriends a boy named Link. They embark on various adventures together, including a trip to Link's grandparents' house an…
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  • Captain james cook
    The story of Captain James Cook, an explorer in the 1700s, and his expeditions to Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, and Hawaii.
  • Exploring Math with Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, their challenges, discoveries, and achievements.
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  • Cross-Country Expedition
    Shaniya and Alexis plan a road trip to visit different types of public lands in the US, learning about environmental issues along the way.
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