Factoring Books

  • Cartoon Guide To Polynomials
    A group of characters learn about division, factoring, linear factors, and writing polynomials in a series of educational chapters.
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  • Factoring
    A story about factoring, including examples and a writing task for the reader.
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  • The Princesses of Para'bola
    Princesses Emilia and Jordinia seek help from Mr. Squara to understand factoring for their algebra test, leading to a successful outcome.
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  • Quadratic Equations
    Solving quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, and the quadratic formula.
  • Using Logs to solve Equations.
    A math book explaining logarithms and adding/subtracting rational expressions with examples.
  • Johnny needs to study!!!
    Johnny needs help practicing for a polynomial test. The story provides explanations and examples of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and factoring polynomials.
  • Numbers that are Prime
    Matthew struggles with understanding prime numbers, but a dream helps him grasp the concept and he gains confidence for an upcoming test.
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  • Bill Nye's Polynomial Test
    Bill Nye learns about polynomials and practices adding, subtracting, multiplying, and factoring them.
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