Female Scientists Books

  • Polar Animals
    Ready to learn about polar animals? We will take a trip in your imagination to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about them. And the best part is that you will be back in tim…
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  • Is the scientist a woman or a man?
    A project aims to promote science and gender equality by introducing students to female scientists, conducting experiments, and creating an ebook.
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  • March activities Imagine and Code
    The Imagine and Code team worked on Science Week, webinars, and code activities. They introduced female scientists and their work.
  • Marie Curie
    The story of Marie Curie, a Polish scientist who overcame obstacles to become the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and inspire others.
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  • Mary Jackson: A Biography
    The biography of Mary Jackson, an African American mathematician and engineer who overcame segregation to become NASA's first African American female aeronautical engineer.
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  • Women Scientists
    This book highlights the achievements of women scientists, including Marie Curie, Gladys West, Mae C. Jemison, Jane Goodall, and Leela Hazza.
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  • The Busy Bumble Bee
    A nonfiction book about bumblebees, their characteristics, behaviors, and importance in the ecosystem.
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  • Avery Bang
    This book tells the story of Avery Bang, a civil engineer who builds footbridges to help communities around the world. It covers her early life, education, hobbies, career ch…
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