Fermentation Books

  • Cellular Respiration
    A brief explanation of the processes involved in cellular respiration, including glycolysis, fermentation, Kreb's Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain.
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  • Cellular Respiration
    An informational book about cellular respiration, explaining the process and its different stages.
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  • Mario makes a Pizza for Luigi
    Mario goes to the store to get ingredients for a pizza. He follows a recipe and makes the dough, shapes it, adds toppings, and bakes it with Luigi.
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  • the story of the cellular respiration family
    A story about the processes of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation, told through the perspective of fictional characters named after scientific terms.
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  • Cellular Respiration
    Super fun and exciting new way to learn all about Cellular Respiration! All at the touch of your fingertips :)
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    This book provides information on three composting methods: cold compost, worm compost, and bokashi compost. It also discusses the science of fermentation and waste managemen…
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  • Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
    Peggy the pig and Callie the Cow go on a field trip with their farm class to learn about cellular respiration and photosynthesis. They ask many questions and learn a lot from…
  • Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, ATP, and Fermentation
    Eli the energy takes readers on a journey through photosynthesis, cellular respiration, ATP, and fermentation, explaining their processes and importance.
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