Fibonacci Sequence Books

  • Happy Fi-Birthday!
    The story introduces the concept of Fi-Birthdays, birthdays that match a number in the Fibonacci Sequence, and follows a character's journey through their Fi-Birthdays.
    This story discusses various topics such as albatross, amphibians, bacteria, biological science, catfish, climate, cross-pollination, devices, drones, echolocation, integrati…
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  • Exploring Sequences
    Jess and Joshua discuss different number sequences, including perfect squares, triangular numbers, three-dimensional shapes, and the Fibonacci sequence.
    A collection of students from different schools learn about Fibonacci numbers and their presence in nature.
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  • Fibonacci-a revolution in the mathematics
    This biography of Fibonacci explores his life, contributions to mathematics, influence on nature and music, and his popular culture references.
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  • Famous Mathematician Project
    The story of Leonardo Fibonacci, a mathematician from 12th century Italy who made significant contributions to mathematics.
  • ABC's of Math
    This is an educational book that introduces various mathematical concepts and historical facts in a fun and engaging way. Each section presents a new topic, explained with ex…
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  • Meet Fibonacci
    The story of Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci, who made significant contributions to mathematics and influenced various fields with his discoveries.
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