Finances Books

  • Finances and College
    The story follows Johnny's journey from childhood to adulthood, emphasizing the importance of financial literacy. His parents teach him about money management, saving, and in…
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  • How Curusoe Manages His Finances
    Crusoe, a responsible dog, saves money for a new dog house, works as a police dog, maintains physical well-being, and makes good financial decisions.
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  • ABC's of Science
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and their definitions, from astronomy to zoology.
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  • Campaign Finance
    Timmy, a candidate running for office in 2020, navigates the complexities of campaign finance laws and court cases that impact his fundraising efforts.
  • Business and Finance Storybook
    The book is a comprehensive guide on various aspects of business, including communication skills, customer relations, information management, professional development, busine…
  • Finance In Business
    A collection of definitions and sentences related to finance and banking terms.
  • Personal Finance
    The Adams family faces a life-changing event when Mindy becomes disabled. They learn about Social Security and how it can support them financially and help Mindy find a job i…
    An informative text about the organization and functions of a public water utility in Crowston, including its structure, services, finances, and measures taken to ensure wate…
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