Flaps Books

  • Flap Knowledge
    Ya know those little things that are sort of like "dog cheeks"? Well this book is some knowledge about those cute, crazy things, and how you can read your dog's mind just by …
  • Malik's Autistic Adventures
    Malik, a child with Autism, explains what Autism is and how it affects him. He shares his unique experiences, challenges, and coping strategies.
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  • The Horgan
    Horgan, a snakegon, embarks on a journey to save his friend Lussy from the evil Dr. Onglam. Along the way, he learns to fly and defeats Dr. Onglam, finding a new home with Bl…
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  • The Digestive System!
    An informative book that explains the digestive system, from the mouth to the large intestine, in a clear and detailed manner.
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  • The New Superhero
    Peter and Jake are best friends who love reading comic books. When a new student, Alex, arrives at school, Jake starts spending more time with him, leaving Peter feeling left…
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  • The Horse Who Got Wings
    A horse who wakes up one day to see that she has beautiful wings!
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  • TheThree Little Ducks
    Three little ducks build houses to protect themselves from the Big Bad Fox, and in the end, they outsmart him and celebrate their victory.
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    Cortland Greer is a vibrant 6 year old who is on the Autism Spectrum. Cortland began to show regression a few months before his second birthday. Diagnosed in October of 2017,…
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