Food Chains Books

  • The Ocean Food Chain
    A description of the food chain in the ocean, from phytoplankton to carnivores, emphasizing the importance of survival.
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  • The Circle of Life: The Food Chain
    This book explains the relationship between plants, animals, and their environment through the food chain, using clear examples and definitions.
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  • The Food Chain
    This informative book explains the concept of a food chain, starting with the sun and ending with decomposers. It also discusses energy flow and the decrease in organisms as …
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  • The Rainforest
    A comprehensive guide to the rainforest ecosystem, including its components, food chains, threats, and ways to help. Includes a glossary and works cited.
  • Food Webs/ Food Chains!
    Join me on an adventure to learn about food chains and food webs, as we explore the different levels of consumers and producers.
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  • How Global Warming Effects Food Chains
    A brief introduction to global warming, food chains, extreme weather, and animal extinction, with a call to action at the end.
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  • The Food Chain
    Zach teaches about the food chain, starting with the sun and producers, then moving to consumers like herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and decomposers.
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  • The Food Chain
    A brief explanation of the food chain, from the sun as a source of energy to decomposers breaking down dead matter and starting the cycle again.
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