Food Storage Books

    Popeye learns about nanotechnology and how it can improve food storage. With the help of a witch, he gets special spinach and defeats Bluto to win Ms. Olive.
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  • Healthy Living Activities For Children
    Excellent for educators of preschool/elementary age students. A book of suggested children activities to inspire awareness in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Written by a …
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  • Organelles of an Animal Cell
    An informative book that compares the different parts of a cell to various organs and systems in the human body.
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  • 10 Tips To Prevent Foodborn Illness
    A list of tips to prevent foodborne illnesses, including handwashing, proper food storage, and cooking temperatures.
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  • Chemistry of Life
    This small book is a guide on the four major types of macromolecules and enzymes in a fun children's book!
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  • ABC's of Autumn's Leaves
    The ABC’s on Autumn’s Leaves is an educational book explaining the process of leaves changing colors in autumn. It details how trees and leaves prepare for winter, with each …
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  • The Inuits
    This book provides an overview of the daily life, food, art and architecture, and religion of the Inuit people in the Arctic.
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  • Cell City
    A description of the different parts of Cell City and their functions, inviting readers to visit.
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