Formats Books

  • Too Many Shoes
    This is a book about how to develop empathy for kids 6-10 in an engaging format
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  • ABC's of CONFLICT A Children's Guide
    A children's book that introduces the concept of conflict, its causes, and resolution strategies through an alphabetical format.
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    This is a fan made book about the successful children's game show Jungle Run, which was made by ITV in the 1990s/2000s
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  • Hammerhead Sharks
    An informative book about hammerhead sharks, covering their anatomy, diet, behavior, and more, using an A-Z format.
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  • The Pardoner's Tale
    From the Canterbury Tales, this is the retelling of the Pardoner's Tale in Kids friendly format.
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  • The Power of PLAY
    A list of positive attributes and values associated with sports, presented in an alphabetical format.
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  • Ivy the IV
    Let Ivy the IV teach you and your child about IV placements with background information and a step-by-step process, using a rhyming storybook format and pictures. Also inclu…
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  • Gram's Big Beautiful Eyes
    Add a description for this book...this book explains the condition of age-related macular degeneration, coping strategies, the bio-psychosocial-spiritual impact and resources…
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