Globes Books

  • Extensive Snow Globe Collection
    This is an fiction about a kid who is trapped in his neighbor's snow globe collection.
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  • A Trip Around the Globe
    A collection of short paragraphs introducing various topics in geography, history, and culture, followed by a personal reflection on Ancient Egypt.
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  • Sixteen Cities Around the Globe
    This book briefly introduces you to 16 cities around the globe. Each page is filled with a couple of fun facts about a different city.
  • Around the Globe
    A boy's paper airplane takes him on a magical journey around the world, experiencing different cultures and landscapes.
  • Austrian Globe Museum
    The Globe Museum in Vienna, Austria is the only public museum dedicated to globes. It houses a collection of over 600 terrestrial and celestial globes, including highlights s…
    Join Drippy the droplet in a little adventure around the globe in this informative narrated book about the Water Cycle.
    A description of the famous cat and mouse duo, Tom and Jerry, and their enduring popularity.
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  • Universally celebrated festivals all across the Globe
    A collection of short descriptions about various holidays and celebrations around the world.
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