Gluten-free Books

  • Tommy's Bad Day
    Tommy, a healthy boy, suddenly falls ill. After months of searching for answers, he is diagnosed with Celiac disease and goes gluten-free.
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  • Tina has Celiac Disease
    Tina, a girl with celiac disease, shares her experiences of living with the condition and how she manages it with the support of her family, friends, and doctors.
  • The Turkey Pilgrim
    A group of gluten-free turkeys face persecution in Europe, but find freedom and celebrate Thanksgiving in a new land.
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    Tommy, a boy with a stomachache, is read a bedtime story about Joey, who also had stomach issues. Joey is diagnosed with Celiac Disease and learns to manage it.
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    Detective Karter Dylan has lived and worked in New London his entire life. He's seen some strange things during his career but nothing could prepare him for a rash of attacks…
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  • Celiac Disease
    Ella's constant stomachaches lead her to go gluten-free, resulting in significant weight gain and growth. Her health improves.
  • Smart Recipes
    A recipe for Salmorejo, a chilled tomato soup with bread, garlic, and olive oil. It is garnished with chopped egg and ham. The recipe includes a tip to make it vegan or glute…
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  • Understanding
    An informative book about celiac disease, explaining what it is, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and how to support someone with the condition.
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