Governance Books

  • A Race Through the Alps
    Zeus and Hephaestus race to become king of Luxembourg, but Athena wins and becomes queen, restoring balance with her wisdom, strength, and kindness.
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  • Aquaville
    Mission:Future presents an idea for an innovative water city in the North Pacific Ocean, with details on its structure, governance, and financing.
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  • Princess Alice in the Medieval times
    Princess Alice lives in a magical castle with her parents, has a best friend named Elizabeth, and learns about her religion and government.
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  • New World
    A brief overview of the colonization of North America by France, England, and Spain, highlighting their religious affiliations, governance, and economic activities.
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  • International Monetary Fund
    An overview of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its establishment, membership, functions, objectives, and governance structure.
  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • Ourselves, Alone
    Santa Claus and the penguins in the North Pole have a conflict over land ownership and governance.
  • The Mongol and Ming Empires
    A brief history of the Mongol and Ming Empires, including their conquests, governance, and cultural achievements.
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