Gregor Mendel Books

  • The Achievements of Gregor Mendel
    The story follows Gregor Mendel's journey as a monk and scientist, studying the growth of plants and discovering the laws of heredity.
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  • Story of Little Gregor Mendel
    The story of Gregor Mendel, the founder of modern genetics, and his experiments with pea plants to understand heredity.
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  • The Legacy of Gregor Mendel
    This is a biography of Gregor Mendel, the Austrian monk who discovered the principles of heredity and laid the foundation for modern genetics.
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  • The Legend of Gregor Mendel
    The story of Gregor Mendel, a scientist who studied heredity through pea plants and made significant contributions to genetics.
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  • Gregor Mendel The Legacy
    The story of Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, and his experiments with pea plants to understand heredity and traits.
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  • The father of genetics Gregor Mendel
    Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, studied heredity in pea plants and discovered dominant and recessive traits.
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  • Gregor Mendel Text To His Friend
    Kelly and Gregor Mendel discuss the concept of heredity, including genes, alleles, phenotypes, punnet squares, and flower reproduction.
  • The History of Genetic Engineering
    The story provides a brief overview of Gregor Mendel, the discovery of DNA, genetic engineering, and genetically modified foods.
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