Hazards Books

  • Exploring the Arctic Region
    Mia introduces the Arctic region, covering its physical features, resources, human impact, hazards, and culture.
    Eye Icon 118
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  • Top 20 soccer players in the world
    A list of famous soccer players and their career details, including clubs they played for and nationalities.
    Eye Icon 3417
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  • The Volcano Book Project
    An informative book about volcanoes, including their types, eruptions, and associated hazards. Provides safety tips for volcanic events.
    Eye Icon 2089
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  • The Western Cordillera
    Sammy explains what it is like to live in the Western Cordillera region of Canada.
    Eye Icon 478
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  • Alliterative Story of School
    A collection of random sentences, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet, showcasing various activities and events at school.
    Eye Icon 159
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  • Natural Hazards: Volcanoes
    Ash takes readers on a trip around the Ring of Fire, exploring volcanoes and their dangers. Includes tips for staying safe near volcanoes.
    An alphabetical guide to natural disasters and hazards, providing definitions, preparation tips, and fun facts.
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