Hormones Books

    Sally goes on an adventure to learn about the endocrine system and how it affects her mood and body. She meets various characters who explain different aspects of the system.
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  • Endocrine System for Dummies
    An introduction to the endocrine system and its various glands, their functions, and common diseases.
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  • Starky the Follicular Cell
    A fun and informative book about the thyroid gland, its functions, and its role in the endocrine system. Includes facts, descriptions of thyroid cells, and hormone production…
  • Do Plants Move?
    Plants can move and respond to their environment in unique ways, such as bending towards light or closing flowers at night. They don't have sense organs but can still sense a…
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  • Inside Charlie's teenage brain.
    The story explores why teens take more risks than adults, discussing brain development, hormones, and societal factors.
  • Endocrine System
    An informative book about the endocrine system and its various glands, hormones, and functions.
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  • Organelles of an Animal Cell
    An informative book that compares the different parts of a cell to various organs and systems in the human body.
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  • Puberty e-book
    A puberty guide for children, covering physical, emotional, and social changes. Includes advice and positive aspects of puberty.
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