Hospitalization Books

  • My mommy has no hair.
    A young child reflects on their mother's illness, hospitalization, and passing, finding comfort in the idea that she has become an angel.
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  • My life in a hospital for 21 days
    A young child recounts their experience of being hospitalized with dengue fever, including the treatments, challenges, and eventual recovery.
  • A Close Call
    A young boy recounts his experience of a serious injury, hospitalization, and recovery, emphasizing the importance of listening to your body, community support, and persevera…
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  • The happy baby.
    This is a short biography of a baby named Jackson who is always happy and loves Mickey Mouse. It also mentions his hospitalization when he was 3 months old.
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  • A Day in Sarah's Life
    Sarah's daily routine and her father's hospitalization affect her emotions and actions.
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  • My Visit to The Hospital
    A bilingual book that explains what to expect when going to the hospital, including equipment, people you will meet, and the playroom.
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    A girl feels neglected and unloved by her family, but after a hospitalization, she learns that her parents still love her deeply.
  • Life with Covid-19
    This book is a project for "M313R_reading course" in Dar Al-Hekmah University.

    By: Shahad Bukhari
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