Hypothesis Books

  • The Dinosaur Detective
    Dano the Dinosaur Detective is trying to find out what the Organic Molecule Hypothesis is!
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  • How Does Smell Affect Taste?
    The story explores the relationship between smell and taste through an experiment. It concludes that smell affects taste and sour flavors are more easily identified than swee…
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  • Early Cell Structure Hypothesis
    A brief explanation of how life may have originated from chemical reactions in the deep ocean.
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  • The Gaia Hypothesis
    Priscilla and Rover explain the Gaia Hypothesis, systems and cycles, and interconnectedness of Earth's components.
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  • The Science of Popcorn
    The story explores the question of what makes popcorn pop, providing background information, a hypothesis, procedure, data, and conclusions based on an experiment.
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  • The Scientific Method
    A brief and humorous introduction to the scientific method, explaining its six steps in a fun and engaging way.
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  • Upon A Star
    A curious boy named Cameron embarks on a dream journey through space, exploring the properties of different planets and realizing the value of his home.
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  • How Greasy are Your Potato Chips?
    George Crum conducts an experiment to determine which brand of potato chips is the least greasy, but his hypothesis is proven wrong.
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