Influential Factors Books

  • The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., highlighting his life, achievements, and impact on the Civil Rights movement.
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  • Role of Geography in Economic Development
    This book provides an overview of the spatial distribution of major economic development, including different types of economies, economic activities, and influential factors.
  • Juvenile delinquency Ni Made Sukma Dewi
    The story discusses the causes of juvenile delinquency, including the influence of technology, the surrounding environment, and lack of attention and affection. It emphasizes…
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  • My Perspective of the Self
    The narrator reflects on the concept of individuality and how society and personal experiences shape one's identity.
  • Happy All Around
    The story is a collection of thoughts and advice on various aspects of life that contribute to happiness, including personal growth, lifestyle, desire to help, relationships,…
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  • Famous Words About Nature By Famous People
    The story discusses the importance of nature and its influence on different cultures throughout history. It includes quotes from various philosophers, poets, and writers. The…
  • What Is Geography And Maps
    An introduction to maps, geospatial technologies, geographic data, spatial concepts, human-environmental interaction, scales of analysis, regional analysis, and migration.
  • Adventures of Şipi - Into the World Englishes
    Şipi, an ordinary sheep, desires to discover herself and takes an adventure. Along the way, she learns about the English language and its different speakers. She meets variou…
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