International Organizations Books

  • Life Without Food
    A book to inspire people to support Feed My Starving Children, an organization that sends food to hungry children all over the world.
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  • The History of Luxembourg
    A historical account of Luxembourg's ownership and rule from the 15th century to the present, including its role in various wars and its involvement in international organiza…
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  • International Organizations
    This story provides information about various international organizations, their abbreviations, establishment dates, headquarters, leaders, and main functions.
  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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  • International Monetary Fund
    An overview of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its establishment, membership, functions, objectives, and governance structure.
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    The story follows Martin, a veteran with a Master's Degree in Aero-Space Management, as he decides between a job offer from the United Nations and Select Airline in South Kor…
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  • An Extra Serving of Being H.E.R.O.I.C
    An Extra Serving of Being H.E.R.O.I.C is inspired by International United Miss's International Initiative that focuses on Honesty, Empathy, Respect, Optimism, Integrity &…
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  • FEED 5000
    Jordyn & her friends come across children who are in need of food. Will they be kind enough to give to the hungry... or not?
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