Iron Lung Books

  • ABC's of the Roaring '20's
    An alphabetical list of inventions, facts, and people from the 1920s, with some errors and lack of detail.
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  • Polio
    An informational book about polio, its symptoms, transmission, history, prevention, and the iron lung.
  • ABC's of Healty food for a Healthy Body
    This is a book about which foods are a good source of which vitamins and minerals, and how they work in the body.
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  • Eevees evolutions
    do you now the eevee evolutions well if you do why not learn more about them! and if you don't learn what they are and type and stuff like that
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  • Shadows of Courage Book 1
    Hazel confronts her fear of the dark and discovers a realm of lost souls. She must choose to help them or become one of them, facing her deepest fears along the way.
  • Alexander Graham Bell life story
    This is a brief biography of Alexander Graham Bell, highlighting his invention of the telephone and other achievements.
  • ABC's of Vitamins and Minerals
    The story provides detailed information about various vitamins and minerals, their benefits, side effects of overconsumption, and sources. It covers Vitamin A, Beta Carotene,…
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  • ABC's of Vitamins
    An alphabetical guide to various vitamins and minerals, their functions, deficiencies, and recommended daily allowances.
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