Judicial System Books

  • Federalist Paper #78
    Kermit, a muppet, is fired from his job and takes ACME to court. With the help of the ghost of former Chief Justice John Marshall, Kermit learns about Judicial Review and fig…
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  • Three Branches Of Government
    An overview of the three branches of government in Texas and their roles.
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  • US Systems of Governmen
    An informative story about the United States government, its branches, and the Constitution, written by 8th graders.
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  • George Washington
    A brief overview of George Washington's presidency and his major accomplishments, including the creation of the judicial system, handling of rebellions, and signing of Jay's …
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  • The magical pony story.
    Magical ponies kidnap Supreme Court members to learn about the government, but realize it's wrong and return them.
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  • George the Justice Monkey
    George, a curious monkey, dreams of becoming a judge. With the help of his friend, The Man with the Yellow Hat, he learns about different courts and how to become a Supreme C…
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  • The Leaders Of The Constitution
    A brief overview of the Articles of Confederation and the three branches of the United States government, with a focus on the legislative branch and checks and balances.
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  • Dropping in to the Constitution
    Adam and his friends explore the Constitution, learning about its amendments and the branches of government, while discussing their importance in a fun and engaging way.
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