Karankawa Books

  • Karankawa Tribe
    This book provides information about the Karankawa tribe, including their history, housing, daily life, and tools and weapons.
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  • Karankawa Indians
    A brief overview of the Karankawa tribe, including their artifacts, wigwams, daily life, tools & weapons, time period, and fate.
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  • The ABCs of Texas
    An alphabet book about Texas, covering various topics from history to nature. Each letter represents a different aspect of the state.
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  • A Story On Cabeza de Vaca
    The story of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, a Spanish explorer who shipwrecked off the coast of Texas and lived in slavery before gaining freedom.
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  • The Journey of Cabeza de Vaca
    Cabeza de Vaca's journey from Europe to Texas, his shipwreck, survival, and eventual exploration of the Gulf Coastal region. His story inspired future Texas exploration.
  • cabeza de vaca
    The story follows the Spanish explorer Cabeza De Vaca's journey, from his arrival in Galveston Island to his rescue by the Karankawa tribe.
  • An alphabetical tour of Texas, covering its history, cities, tribes, and symbols.
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  • René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
    The story of René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, a French explorer who established a colony near the Mississippi River but faced many challenges and ultimately met a tra…
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