Last Supper Books

  • Recess in Kindergarten
    Starting kindergarten can be a confusing change, but others can help you make the transition.
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    The Last Supper and the establishment of the Holy Mass by Jesus with his disciples in Jerusalem.
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  • Why do we take the Eucharist at Church?
    A boy named George with magical powers travels back in time to witness the Passover and the Last Supper, gaining a deeper understanding of their significance.
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  • Story Through Lent
    James learns about the significance of Ash Wednesday and Lent, and discovers the meaning behind various traditions and events leading up to Easter.
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  • The Five Little Penguins
    Five penguins go on an adventure to collect moonbeam flowers and tasty fish, enjoying a picnic and swim along the way.
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  • The Easter Story
    The story of Jesus' last days, crucifixion, and resurrection.
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  • The Journey of the Eucharist
    This book explains the significance of the Eucharist and confirmation in the Catholic faith, as well as its connection to the Jewish tradition of the Last Supper.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
    The story provides a brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci, highlighting his upbringing, apprenticeship, achievements as an artist and inventor, and the impact of his work.
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