Learning Environment Books

  • StoryJumper
    A review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of using StoryJumper, a website for creating children's books.
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  • Minecraft vs Roblox
    Compare everything from creativity to kid-friendliness in these two popular building games.Our advice? Given the Wild West nature of both of these games, consider sitting wi…
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    The story discusses ethical responsibilities towards children, families, and colleagues in a learning environment.
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  • A Visit to The Volcano! An original Shammy story
    Join Shammy, Pila, and Dimo as they go to Hawaii, learn about volcanoes, see Pele, and take a trip inside the Earth. Don't worry though because you will for sure be home in t…
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  • A collection of sentences using words that start with the letter 'E' to entertain and educate readers.
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  • The Little Prince reworked from an environmental perspective
    A young prince travels through different planets, learning important lessons about nature, responsibility, and the value of connections. He teaches us to appreciate and prote…
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville
    In the town of Threadsville, Jessie discovers a magical cabinet filled with talking clothes. With their help, she organizes a clothing drive to help her community and inspire…
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  • Olivia's Busy Brain: Conquering Primary School with ADHD
    Olivia, a girl with ADHD, shares her school experiences, friendships, and the support she receives to thrive in her learning environment, highlighting the importance of uniqu…
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