Lifeguard Books

  • Leland the Lion wants to be a Lifeguard
    Leland is a Lion who wants to be a lifeguard but is constantly told he cannot become one. However, he learns the powerful lesson that one can achieve what it is they want to …
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  • All About Books
    A lifeguard explains their job, responsibilities, and the necessary certification and equipment.
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  • My Perfect Beach Day
    A day at the beach with a family, including activities like swimming, playing games, eating, and dreaming about another day on the beach.
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  • DOODLE & BLUE #2
    Doodle and Blue are excited to go camping on the beach with their Gram. They have a fun-filled day of playing, exploring, and even helping a baby dolphin return to the sea. T…
  • Night Gone Wrong
    Anna and Olivia, two lifeguards in NYC, have an eventful day when Anna slips and breaks her leg while pregnant. They rush to the hospital where Anna gives birth to twins.
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  • Sharks, lies and videos
    A story about lifeguards and their adventures on the beach, including rescues, fashion shows, and conflicts with other lifeguards.
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  • The Trip to the Waterpark
    In this story, read about The Trip to the waterpark and act as characters.
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  • Carolina Sue and her Journey for a Job!
    Carolina Sue, a girl in a wheelchair, overcomes challenges to find her perfect job at a dog shelter.
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