Limassol Books

  • The island of Cyprus
    A description of Limassol, the second largest city in Cyprus, its cultural tradition, and its location.
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    Queen Earth and Caretta Caretta, a sea turtle, inspire kids to protect nature and the ocean, highlighting the beauty and fragility of our environment.
  • The rainbow team
    In a sunny forest, animals learn to work together after a storm destroys their homes, realizing their differences make them stronger, like a rainbow.
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  • The Mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea
    A Mediterranean mermaid sends a message about the pollution in her sea and asks for help from children in Greece and Cyprus.
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  • Story
    Elizabeth wakes up in a strange place, experiences a flower festival, goes on a trip, and encounters a mysterious creature. She realizes it was all a dream.
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  • European Mysreries
    Eight kids gather to play a game, but it turns into a domino effect of falling down. Each child falls on the next one, changing the game from throwing hats to falling human d…
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