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A book that introduces literary theory, discusses different genres, and provides examples from Animal Farm. Includes a word search activity.
by cgcxlg

An introduction to feminist theory, notable theorists, terminology, and real-life examples, with an analysis of a short story and a poem.
by MyaSalmon2

Lilly, a girl, is rejected by Ralph and William but learns to have fun on her own by sailing a sailboat.
by akaye12

A somewhat disorganized and incomplete overview of the history of feminism, feminist theory, and gender issues, with some grammar and spelling errors.
by Simeon Smith

An informative book about ancient Greece, covering its geography, cities, wars, gods, philosophers, art, math, medicine, literature, Olympics, and legacy.

A collection of short biographies about influential linguists and their contributions to the field.

The story discusses the importance of nature and its influence on different cultures throughout history. It includes quotes from various philosophers, poets, and writers. The…

This story provides brief information about influential linguists such as Noam Chomsky, Steven Pinker, Roland Barthes, Noah Webster, Ferdinand de Saussure, Joseph Harold Gree…

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