Livestock Farming Books

  • Two Creek Ranch
    Two Creek Ranch is a large ranch in Abbgalia, primarily used for livestock farming. It faces challenges with organic interest and aims to focus on efficiency and affordabilit…
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    A collection of facts and information about farming, focusing on the history, statistics, and key crops in Iowa.
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  • Farmer Paige
    Farmer Paige talks about her farm in Cotton Crossing, specializing in cotton and livestock farming. She discusses the transportation of crops, target customers, potential pro…
  • Abbgalia Farms
    Abbgalia Farms is an organic farm that practices integrated crop and livestock farming. It serves two cities and faces challenges in transportation and competition from tradi…
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  • The Midwest Region
    This book provides information about the Midwest region, including its landforms, bodies of water, climate, natural resources, landmarks, and culture.
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  • Mali
    A detailed exploration of Mali's geography, history, economy, people, and legends, including the story of Chi Wara.
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  • The Volcanic Farms
    The story is about the successful Volcanic Farms in Drayland, their crops, livestock, economy, and farming methods.
  • The Oregon Trail
    A detailed account of the Oregon Trail, from its history and reasons for migration to the challenges faced by pioneers and their settlement in Oregon.
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