Longbows Books

  • Karankawa Tribe
    This book provides information about the Karankawa tribe, including their history, housing, daily life, and tools and weapons.
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  • middle ages
    This book provides an overview of various aspects of the Middle Ages, including castles, religion, cathedrals, knights, weapons, and the plague.
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  • A dog on his own
    A dog and a stray meet, become friends, and embark on an adventure. They find shelter, plan an escape from the pound, and reunite with their owners.
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  • The Hundred Years War
    The Hundred Years War between France and England, its impact on warfare and nationalism, and the story of Joan of Arc.
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  • The Mongols
    This book provides a brief overview of the Mongols, their military power, and key figures like Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, and Kublai Khan.
  • My First Book The Middle Ages
    A brief overview of the feudal system, medieval castles, knight education, and marriage customs during the Middle Ages.
    Mary Sue, a peasant, learns about feudalism and its impact on her life. She also explores the collapse of feudalism, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Silk Road, and the …
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