Loyalists Books

  • Loyalist VS Patriots
    A brief comparison between Patriots and Loyalists, highlighting their differences in beliefs, leaders, resources, and military strategies.
  • Patriots V.S. Loyalists and the Tear
    The story explores the lives of Benjamin Franklin and his son William, as well as Timothy Pickering Jr. and his loyalist father during the Revolutionary War.
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  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • Patriots
    A child explains why they would choose the Patriots' side in the American Revolution, citing reasons such as freedom, knowledge of natural resources, and desire for independe…
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  • Patriots
    A child's opinion on why the Patriots were better than the Loyalists during the American Revolution, focusing on their reasons, leaders, allies, and advantages.
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  • Patriots vs. Loyalists
    A brief overview of the Patriots' advantages, including religious freedom, job opportunities, and winning the war, with a personal preference for the Patriot side.
  • patriots and the loyalist
    A discussion about choosing between being a patriot or a loyalist during the American Revolution, with reasons favoring the patriots.
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    A brief overview of the American Revolutionary War, discussing the Loyalists and Patriots and their reasons for fighting.
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