Magna Carta Books

  • Magna Carta
    In a kingdom, King DeAngelo becomes mean and demands all the food. The samurais rebel, but return when given bread. The story is an allegory for King John and the Magna Carta.
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  • The Magna Carta
    During the 1200s, King John's brutal rule led to the creation of the Magna Carta, a legal document that limited his power.
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  • Magna Carta
    A brief overview of important events in American history from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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  • King John and the Magna Carta
    The story of King John, his reign as King of England, his conflicts with the barons, and the creation of the Magna Carta.
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  • The Magna Carta
    The story explains the significance of the Magna Carta, its contents, and the events leading up to its creation.
  • Title of your Charter Goes Here Add Pictures to enhance the presentation.
    Here are the directions for you to create your Own Magna Carta!
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  • The Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact
    The story discusses the Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact, their historical context, and their influence on the US Constitution.
  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    A brief overview of important events in American history from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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