Maple Syrup Books

  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease
    Three families in a small town have newborns diagnosed with Maple Syrup Urine Disease. They learn it's an inherited genetic disorder and must monitor their children's diet.
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  • From a Key to a Tree
    Since youth the cycle of the tree have been a wonder to me ...this story covers what I learned through living in the Seasons of Canada
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    Sarah and her friend Amanda both have maple syrup disease, a rare disorder. They share their experiences and how they support each other.
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  • The Maple Syrup Dilemma
    Colin, a smart and popular boy, is wrongly accused of pouring maple syrup on his teacher's chair. He tries to figure out who did it among four suspects.
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  • Detective Syrup
    Detective Syrup's maple syrup goes missing, and he investigates his family to find the culprit. He discovers his brother accidentally threw it away, but they still have a gre…
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  • foods around the world!
    This amazing book will tell you about all counties and their food! Come on and join the party!!!:)
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  • One Wish
    This book is about finding friends and not being a bully.
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  • Nicholas's Book of Leaves
    A brief introduction to different types of leaves and their trees, with some additional facts and a Russian proverb.
    by J187
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