Maple Tree Books

  • The Little Maple Tree
    A tree that doesn't know what it wants to be.
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  • From a Key to a Tree
    Since youth the cycle of the tree have been a wonder to me ...this story covers what I learned through living in the Seasons of Canada
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  • Mellow Yellow Where's Your Jell-O
    A story about Mellow Yellow who can't seem to find his yellow Jell-O.
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  • Snickers McGee's Long Journey Home
    When the gate to his backyard unexpectedly blows open, Snickers McGee comes face to face with a very friendly but mischievous bunny. Their playful romping takes them far awa…
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  • ABC's of Autumn's Leaves
    The ABC’s on Autumn’s Leaves is an educational book explaining the process of leaves changing colors in autumn. It details how trees and leaves prepare for winter, with each …
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
  • Timmy the Maple Tree
    Timmy, a maple tree, experiences the changing seasons and reflects on his feelings about them.
    Join Precious Pugington on a exhilarating expedition for a furever home!
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