Medical Procedure Books

  • Automical Man
    A boy undergoes a medical procedure that makes him stronger and smarter, turning him into the superhero Atomical Man. However, he develops an aversion to cheese, his only wea…
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  • Scaredy Swab
    A compassionate swab overcomes fear to comfort a scared child during a medical procedure, teaching other swabs about empathy.
  • When I was sick
    It's about the unpleasant experience, I went through while receiving medicine via my vain.
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  • Boots and Dora's day Long Adventure
    Dora and Boots go on an adventure, swim in a lake, learn about waves, bake a cake, and visit a hospital to learn about medical procedures.
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  • A Story of Glaucoma
    This is a true story about a three-month-old baby diagnosed with glaucoma. The narrative details the parents' struggle, the medical procedures, and the impact of the disease.…
  • All About PTSD
    This book provides information about PTSD, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, emphasizing the importance of seeking help for a happy and healthy life.
  • Stephanie's Accident
    Stephanie has an accident at the playground and ends up in the hospital. She undergoes various medical procedures and experiences complications.
  • What I Want To Be...
    A young girl dreams of becoming a veterinarian and shares her experiences at her dad's animal hospital, expressing her love for animals and interest in medical procedures.
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