Menstruation Books

  • Normalize Periods
    This is a book about a shy girl named Thandeka. She has her first period while in class and is ashamed to tell anyone about it. This is until a classmate of hers name Miles t…
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  • Just ask Me!
    A guide for young girls on what to do if they get their period while away from home, including tips and advice.
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  • Angel's Wings To establish a correct concept of health. Ava, Olivia, Kiki
    Peggy, a poor girl, is embarrassed by her period at school. Her teacher helps her and she gains confidence.
    Janiel experiences stomach pain and discovers she has started her period. Her mom explains what it means and provides support.
  • Pregnancy Month-By-Month
    A comprehensive guide to the phases of menstruation, conception, birth defects, pregnancy do's and don'ts, and stages of labor.
  • Dora's First period
    Dora learns about menstruation and the reproductive process from her mom, gaining confidence and understanding about her body as she prepares for womanhood.
  • An Intro to Prenatal Development and Birth
    A comprehensive guide to the phases of menstruation, fertilization, birth defects, pregnancy do's and don'ts, trimesters, stages of labor, and birth options.
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  • the fear of food
    Jessica, a 14-year-old girl, develops anorexia and struggles with low self-esteem, extreme weight loss, and the fear of gaining weight. With her parents' support and professi…
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