Mlb Books

  • I am Jackie Robinson
    The story of Jackie Robinson, the first African-American MLB player, and his journey to break barriers and achieve success in baseball.
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  • Balls, Bats, Players, and Games
    A brief history of baseball, from its origins in Cooperstown to the rise of legendary players like Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron.
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  • Clayton Kershaw
    A story about Clayton Kershaw, a baseball player, and various conditional statements related to his career and achievements.
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  • Never give up your dreams
    A young baseball player dreams of playing for the Cardinals in the MLB, faces challenges, and eventually achieves his dream.
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  • Jackie Robinson Legacy Story
    The story of Jackie Robinson, the first African American baseball player in the MLB, and his impact on and off the field.
  • The Monkey That PLayed Baseball
    a monkey whos life dream is too make it to the mlb
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  • The biography of Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play in MLB, his struggles, achievements, and impact on sports and civil rights.
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  • The Civil Rights Movement
    This book tells the stories of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges, and Jackie Robinson, highlighting their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.
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