Mnemonic Books

  • THE ABC's of the Brain
    A book that introduces and explains various parts of the brain and their functions using letters of the alphabet as mnemonic devices.
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  • Cell CycleBy: Baraa & Walaa
    Baraa asks Ms. Walaa about the cell cycle, and she explains its stages: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. They use a book and mnemonic to remember the phases.
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  • Mitosis
    A simple and informative story about the process of mitosis, using a mnemonic device to remember the phases.
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  • Sophia's Stage Directions
    This book is to help primary school students about the stage directions.
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  • Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
    Eliza helps her Aunt Sally understand the order of operations in math through a story and mnemonic device.
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  • Mnemonics and The Solar System
    Ryan prepares for a science quiz on the order of the planets using a mnemonic device created with his mom's help.
  • Planets of Our Solar System
    A fun and creative way to remember the planets in our solar system using a mnemonic poem.
  • The Earth's Continents
    A teacher teaches students a mnemonic to remember the 7 continents, which they find helpful and easy to remember.
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