Moksha Books

  • Arya's path To Moksha
    A young girl named Arya learns about Hinduism and the importance of fulfilling her dharma to reach liberation (Moksha).
    Reincarnation, Moksha, Karma, and Dharma are Hindu beliefs. Reincarnation is the cycle of life and death. Moksha is liberation from this cycle. Karma is the consequence of ac…
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  • Trevor the kid who achieved Moksha
    The story follows Trevor and his son Junior as they strive to achieve moksha, or peace, through kindness, non-violence, and charity in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
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  • Haiti the Hindu
    A glimpse into the daily life and beliefs of a Hindu girl named Haiti in India, including her morning puja ceremony, greeting her dad with namaste, working at a zoo, and cont…
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  • Hinduism
    Kevin, a Hindu boy, introduces Hinduism and its key concepts such as the caste system, reincarnation, karma, dharma, and Moksha.
  • Hinduism
    An introduction to Hinduism, covering its gods, sacred texts, worship practices, beliefs, goals, caste system, and stages of life.
  • Hinduism
    An introduction to Hinduism, covering its symbol, key beliefs, sacred writings, places of worship, festivals, pilgrimage sites, and an artifact.
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  • PET DAY !!!!!!
    Hazel prepares her dog Speedy for pet day at school, where they have fun with other pets and share about them.
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