Mount Rainier Books

  • Vacation in Washington State
    A child recounts their exciting vacation to Washington state, describing the delicious food, beautiful sites, and fun adventures they had in Seattle, at various attractions, …
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  • One Big Adventure
    Three best friends embark on a road trip across the country, visiting Glacier National Park, Mount Rainier, and Olympic National Park.
  • All About Volcanoes.
    An informative book about volcanoes, covering their definition, formation, types, behavior, eruption process, and damage caused. Includes interesting facts and famous eruptio…
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  • Landforms at a Glance
    A list of geographical features and their definitions, from volcanoes to cliffs.
  • Volcanoes, Trenches, and more!
    Allison loves learning about Earth's plates and their effects, including volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes, and hot spots like Hawaii.
  • The United States of America
    A brief introduction to America, its landmarks, history, and national parks.
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  • Lucia explores the diverse ecosystems of the United States, from the Florida Keys to the Great Plains and the West Coast. Includes definitions of key terms.
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  • Oregon
    An informational book about the state of Oregon, including its history, geography, famous people, and economy.
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