Nautical Books

  • Age Of Exploration A-Z book
    An alphabetical exploration of various nautical and historical terms, including spices, explorers, and ship parts.
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  • By. Chinenye U & Kevin H
    Luna, a lanternfish who can't glow, embarks on a journey with new friends to find the Great Crown Jellyfish and discovers that the power to glow comes from within.
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  • The Race to the Moon
    This is the true story of the race to the moon in the 1960s, told by someone who remembers the whole thing from start to finish.
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  • the boat
    the boat is a book that has a story and facts and diffrent types of books.
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  • History of the New England Patriots
    History of the New England Patriots is an informative book that provides young football fans with valuable information about the team's history, achievements, and key figures.
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  • CT Symbols
    The state of Connecticut's symbols. The fourth grade students of Warren School created this book using information researched in resource books and on the Internet. They en…
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  • ABC's of Weather and Climate
    An alphabetical guide to various weather-related terms and concepts, from air pressure to zones.
  • Adventures with Early Explorers!
    This is an educational children's book that takes readers on a journey through the alphabet, using each letter to introduce a concept related to early explorers. From 'A for …
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