Neighbors Books

  • Loving My Neighbor
    Cadyn learns the importance of loving his neighbor when he shares his lunch with a classmate in need.
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  • Ryan and Kendrick Help Luke from Bad Neighbors
    The neighbor called the police on my brother Luke. He has autism and doesn’t understand.
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  • Brent: Good Neighbor or Superhero?
    A story reflecting new social changes during the Coronavirus outbreak and how one little boy comes to the aid of his neighbor.
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  • Jadie Flies Away The Misadventures of a Naughty Parrot
    Thanks for the great feedback. You can find my newest Jadie the Parrot books on
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  • The Garden of Giving
    Jo and Jax plant a garden to help their neighbors. They ask each neighbor's favorite produce, nurture the plants, and share the harvest. The story emphasizes the importance o…
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  • The Vampire's Fangs
    A vampire comes up with a solution to live with neighbors without drinking their blood.
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  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • Kno Bahdee
    Kno Bahdee sets out on a journey to meet new friends and learns she is valuable and special in the process.
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