New England Books

  • History of the New England Patriots
    History of the New England Patriots is an informative book that provides young football fans with valuable information about the team's history, achievements, and key figures.
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  • New England Colonies
    A brief overview of the history and significant events in New England, including the establishment of colonies, religious freedom, witch trials, and government structure.
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  • New England Colonies
    An overview of the New England colonies, their founders, economy, government, and Puritan beliefs.
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  • The New England Colonies
    A brief overview of the New England colonies, their economy, founders, and some historical events.
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  • The Original 13 Colonies
    A short description about the colonial regions of the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.
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  • ABC Colonial America
    An informative alphabet book that teaches about colonial America, from attire to the Zenger Trial, with accurate historical facts and clear explanations.
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  • New England Colonies 3.02
    A brief overview of the founding and interesting facts about Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, and New Hampshire.
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  • Charlie Flies Home
    Charlie, a little bird, moves from New England to Florida and makes new friends, overcoming his initial fears and doubts.
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