Noisy Books

  • No More Noisy Nights
    Storylineonline is the website you can find this story and other stories. "Confronting our fears"
  • A Noisy Neighbor
    The purpose of this book is to teach consideration to neighbors. We can learn to be considerate through Lily and Ellie the Elephant!
  • The Noisy Noisy Class
    A noisy class of animals takes turns listening to each other's sounds, then plays games and does activities together.
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  • My Reading Family
    Charlotte, a hearing-impaired girl from a reading family, shares her love for books and how they have shaped her life.
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  • The Ugly Duckling
    A duckling, initially considered ugly, grows up to be a beautiful swan and finds his place in the world.
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  • The Ferret that loved Halloween
    Nikomi the Ferret loves Halloween and the pumpkin decorations and will not rest until he reaches the decorations.
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  • The Voyage to Africa
    A chicken, an elephant, and a gorilla stranded on an island build a boat to escape. They face challenges but eventually reach Africa.
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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