Norse Books

  • Norse Creation Sotry
    A mythological tale of the creation of the world, gods, and humans in Norse mythology.
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  • Creation story NORSE MYTHOLGY
    The story of Norse mythology's creation of the cosmos, involving gods, giants, and the construction of the world from a giant's corpse.
  • Norse Mythology
    A brief introduction to Norse mythology, including the gods, realms, and the impending battle of Ragnarok.
  • Norse Creation
    The story tells the creation of the world according to Norse mythology, including the emergence of Ymir, the cow, and the gods Odin and Bor.
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  • Ragnarok
    A collection of Norse myths, including the gods' battles, Loki's trickery, and the end of the world.
  • The Begining of the World !
    A retelling of the Norse myth of creation, featuring gods, giants, dwarfs, and the tree of life.
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  • The Story of Loki
    A collection of Norse mythology tales featuring Loki's mischievous adventures, Thor's anger, and the gods' quest to regain their youth.
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  • My Norse Myths #1 Iduna and Her Apples
    This book gives people a hint of Old Norse Mythology. Please Enjoy.
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